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Signatures are a great way to make your name or business memorable! They can be still art or animated. If you are an avid user of forums, you may have noticed text and sometimes pictures following everyone’s post; this is known has a forum signature. You can stand out by having a professionally designed signature! They can also be a click-able link to your own website! This is a great way to promote yourself for free on every forum you post.


Perfect for Forums or E-mails, Signatures allow you to leave a lasting impression!


Signatures can also be a fantastic way to end an e-mail! Most e-mail clients (Outlook, Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, AOL, etc.) can be configured to automatically include your signature. Why limit yourself to text when you can leave an impression that will last with every e-mail sent!



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©2008-2016             Michael DeAngelo             201.539.3099